
Season Day Team Action
2053 170 Celtics PG Morgan Sidwell retires
2053 170 Grizzlies PG Maxwell Newble retires
2053 170 Rockets PG Adam Keefe retires
2053 170 Hornets PG Curt Armstrong retires
2053 170 Nuggets SG Russ Wells retires
2053 170 Celtics SG Leonard Brown retires
2053 170 Nuggets SG Victor Lister retires
2053 170 Pacers SF Max Bowen retires
2053 170 Raptors PF Luke Frazier retires
2053 170 Bulls SF Dylan English retires
2053 170 Grizzlies SF Gabriel Endacott retires
2053 170 Wolves SF Erik Randle retires
2053 170 Vultures PG Roman Oliveira retires
2053 170 Spurs PF Jon Lue retires
2053 170 Hawks C Maxwell Wingate retires
2053 170 Cavaliers PF Elijah Stankovic retires
2053 170 Nuggets PF Rickey Baker retires
2053 170 Warriors PF Jerome Lefebvre retires
2053 170 Hawks C Logan Thomas retires
2053 170 Hawks PF Travis Kelly retires
2053 170 Wolves C Shaun Sturgell retires
2053 170 Sixers C Aaron Terry retires
2053 170 Wolves C Tim Cardinal retires
2053 170 Grizzlies C Stephon DeBusschere retires
2053 170 Raptors Draft PF Soheïlos Akilidis with pick #1 of round 1.
2053 170 Grizzlies Draft PG Cormac O'Brien with pick #2 of round 1.
2053 170 Wolves Draft SF Deion Chopper with pick #3 of round 1.
2053 170 Magic Draft SG Jeron Artest with pick #4 of round 1.
2053 170 Spurs Draft C Peter Juan Romas with pick #5 of round 1.
2053 170 Heat Draft SG Josue Morgenweck with pick #6 of round 1.
2053 170 Clippers Draft C Eduardo Aames with pick #7 of round 1.
2053 170 Blazers Draft PF Nathaniel Mashanga with pick #8 of round 1.
2053 170 Sonics Draft SG Harrison Petersen with pick #9 of round 1.
2053 170 Hornets Trade one draft pick to the Bucks for
2053 170 Bucks Trade to the Hornets for one draft pick
2053 170 Heat Trade PF Darren Lewis, SF Jake McDermott and one draft pick to the Clippers for PF Hayden Greer, SF Shaun Schneider, PF Kody Demler and one draft pick
2053 170 Clippers Trade PF Hayden Greer, SF Shaun Schneider, PF Kody Demler and one draft pick to the Heat for PF Darren Lewis, SF Jake McDermott and one draft pick
2053 170 Wizards Draft C Yionel Jospeh with pick #10 of round 1.
2053 170 Heat Draft PF Douglas Wilkins with pick #11 of round 1.
2053 170 Bulls Draft C Danny Santino with pick #12 of round 1.
2053 170 Sonics Draft PG Joshua Mashery with pick #13 of round 1.
2053 170 Blazers Draft SF Hanti Pateek with pick #14 of round 1.
2053 170 Grizzlies Draft C Dennis Weston with pick #15 of round 1.
2053 170 Kings Draft SF Cameron Ellison with pick #16 of round 1.
2053 170 Wolves Draft PG Dan Dickau Jr with pick #17 of round 1.
2053 170 Wizards Draft PF Isaac Hickle with pick #18 of round 1.
2053 170 Blazers Draft PF Steve Dooley with pick #19 of round 1.
2053 170 Grizzlies Draft C Griffin Johnson with pick #20 of round 1.
2053 170 Pistons Trade one draft pick to the Nuggets for
2053 170 Nuggets Trade to the Pistons for one draft pick
2053 170 Nuggets Draft PG Kenneth Sundell with pick #21 of round 1.
2053 170 Cavaliers Draft SF Walter Cunningham with pick #22 of round 1.
2053 170 Bucks Draft C Quentin Davies with pick #23 of round 1.
2053 170 Bucks Trade PF Shane Nowitzki and C Quentin Davies to the Lakers for C Mathew Reed
2053 170 Lakers Trade C Mathew Reed to the Bucks for PF Shane Nowitzki and C Quentin Davies
2053 170 Magic Draft PG Domenico Arizini with pick #24 of round 1.
2053 170 Hawks Trade one draft pick to the Pistons for one draft pick
2053 170 Pistons Trade one draft pick to the Hawks for one draft pick
2053 170 Suns Draft PG Bobby Shireman with pick #25 of round 1.
2053 170 Celtics Draft SG Gary Henson with pick #26 of round 1.
2053 170 Pistons Draft SF Jorge Crumble with pick #27 of round 1.
2053 170 Pacers Draft SF Ian Seekers with pick #28 of round 1.
2053 170 Nets Trade one draft pick to the Rockets for one draft pick
2053 170 Rockets Trade one draft pick to the Nets for one draft pick
2053 170 Nets Draft C Steven Rookery with pick #29 of round 1.
2053 170 Grizzlies Draft PG Damian Cassell with pick #1 of round 2.
2053 170 Magic Draft PF Bill Shireman with pick #2 of round 2.
2053 170 Spurs Draft SF Bradley Loncaster with pick #3 of round 2.
2053 170 Sonics Draft C Dylan Patthurst with pick #4 of round 2.
2053 170 Wolves Draft PF Lorenzo Von Matterhorn with pick #5 of round 2.
2053 170 Hornets Draft PG Curtis Hoiberg with pick #6 of round 2.
2053 170 Grizzlies Trade one draft pick to the Raptors for one draft pick
2053 170 Raptors Trade one draft pick to the Grizzlies for one draft pick
2053 170 Grizzlies Draft SG Henry Terpening with pick #7 of round 2.
2053 170 Blazers Draft PF Andy Piggott with pick #8 of round 2.
2053 170 Vultures Draft PF Evan Majerle with pick #9 of round 2.
2053 170 Pistons Draft PG Dan Sabam with pick #10 of round 2.
2053 170 Jazz Draft SG Isaiah Beardslee with pick #11 of round 2.
2053 170 Magic Draft PF Clayton Nikolic with pick #12 of round 2.
2053 170 Clippers Draft PG Mike Laettner with pick #13 of round 2.
2053 170 Kings Draft SF Steve Rico with pick #14 of round 2.
2053 170 Clippers Draft C John Scholl with pick #15 of round 2.
2053 170 Knicks Trade one draft pick to the Clippers for
2053 170 Clippers Trade to the Knicks for one draft pick
2053 170 Knicks Trade one draft pick to the Clippers for one draft pick
2053 170 Clippers Trade one draft pick to the Knicks for one draft pick
2053 170 Clippers Draft SG Vince Longines with pick #16 of round 2.
2053 170 Bulls Draft SG Griffin Cooper with pick #17 of round 2.
2053 170 Pistons Draft C Billy Joe Brown with pick #18 of round 2.
2053 170 Vultures Draft SF Terrell Padgett with pick #19 of round 2.
2053 170 Hornets Trade one draft pick to the Grizzlies for
2053 170 Grizzlies Trade to the Hornets for one draft pick
2053 170 Cavaliers Draft PF Andy Piggott with pick #20 of round 2.
2053 170 Knicks Draft PF Clayton Nikolic with pick #21 of round 2.
2053 170 Pistons Draft PF Bill Murdock with pick #22 of round 2.
2053 170 Nuggets Draft SG Mathew Dikens with pick #23 of round 2.
2053 170 Bulls Draft SF Steve Rico with pick #24 of round 2.
2053 170 Rockets Draft PF Evan Majerle with pick #25 of round 2.
2053 170 Celtics Draft SG Isaiah Beardslee with pick #26 of round 2.
2053 170 Hawks Draft SF Parker Montrose with pick #27 of round 2.
2053 170 Hawks Draft C Marques Cercei with pick #28 of round 2.
2053 170 Pacers Draft PG Kevin Willbrock with pick #29 of round 2.

Fast Break Basketball | Page created: octobre 08, 2024