Season |
Day |
Team |
Action |
2053 |
170 |
Celtics |
PG Morgan Sidwell retires |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
PG Maxwell Newble retires |
2053 |
170 |
Rockets |
PG Adam Keefe retires |
2053 |
170 |
Hornets |
PG Curt Armstrong retires |
2053 |
170 |
Nuggets |
SG Russ Wells retires |
2053 |
170 |
Celtics |
SG Leonard Brown retires |
2053 |
170 |
Nuggets |
SG Victor Lister retires |
2053 |
170 |
Pacers |
SF Max Bowen retires |
2053 |
170 |
Raptors |
PF Luke Frazier retires |
2053 |
170 |
Bulls |
SF Dylan English retires |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
SF Gabriel Endacott retires |
2053 |
170 |
Wolves |
SF Erik Randle retires |
2053 |
170 |
Vultures |
PG Roman Oliveira retires |
2053 |
170 |
Spurs |
PF Jon Lue retires |
2053 |
170 |
Hawks |
C Maxwell Wingate retires |
2053 |
170 |
Cavaliers |
PF Elijah Stankovic retires |
2053 |
170 |
Nuggets |
PF Rickey Baker retires |
2053 |
170 |
Warriors |
PF Jerome Lefebvre retires |
2053 |
170 |
Hawks |
C Logan Thomas retires |
2053 |
170 |
Hawks |
PF Travis Kelly retires |
2053 |
170 |
Wolves |
C Shaun Sturgell retires |
2053 |
170 |
Sixers |
C Aaron Terry retires |
2053 |
170 |
Wolves |
C Tim Cardinal retires |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
C Stephon DeBusschere retires |
2053 |
170 |
Raptors |
Draft PF Soheïlos Akilidis with pick #1 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
Draft PG Cormac O'Brien with pick #2 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Wolves |
Draft SF Deion Chopper with pick #3 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Magic |
Draft SG Jeron Artest with pick #4 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Spurs |
Draft C Peter Juan Romas with pick #5 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Heat |
Draft SG Josue Morgenweck with pick #6 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Clippers |
Draft C Eduardo Aames with pick #7 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Blazers |
Draft PF Nathaniel Mashanga with pick #8 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Sonics |
Draft SG Harrison Petersen with pick #9 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Hornets |
Trade one draft pick to the Bucks for |
2053 |
170 |
Bucks |
Trade to the Hornets for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Heat |
Trade PF Darren Lewis, SF Jake McDermott and one draft pick to the Clippers for PF Hayden Greer, SF Shaun Schneider, PF Kody Demler and one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Clippers |
Trade PF Hayden Greer, SF Shaun Schneider, PF Kody Demler and one draft pick to the Heat for PF Darren Lewis, SF Jake McDermott and one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Wizards |
Draft C Yionel Jospeh with pick #10 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Heat |
Draft PF Douglas Wilkins with pick #11 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Bulls |
Draft C Danny Santino with pick #12 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Sonics |
Draft PG Joshua Mashery with pick #13 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Blazers |
Draft SF Hanti Pateek with pick #14 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
Draft C Dennis Weston with pick #15 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Kings |
Draft SF Cameron Ellison with pick #16 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Wolves |
Draft PG Dan Dickau Jr with pick #17 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Wizards |
Draft PF Isaac Hickle with pick #18 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Blazers |
Draft PF Steve Dooley with pick #19 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
Draft C Griffin Johnson with pick #20 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Pistons |
Trade one draft pick to the Nuggets for |
2053 |
170 |
Nuggets |
Trade to the Pistons for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Nuggets |
Draft PG Kenneth Sundell with pick #21 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Cavaliers |
Draft SF Walter Cunningham with pick #22 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Bucks |
Draft C Quentin Davies with pick #23 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Bucks |
Trade PF Shane Nowitzki and C Quentin Davies to the Lakers for C Mathew Reed |
2053 |
170 |
Lakers |
Trade C Mathew Reed to the Bucks for PF Shane Nowitzki and C Quentin Davies |
2053 |
170 |
Magic |
Draft PG Domenico Arizini with pick #24 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Hawks |
Trade one draft pick to the Pistons for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Pistons |
Trade one draft pick to the Hawks for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Suns |
Draft PG Bobby Shireman with pick #25 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Celtics |
Draft SG Gary Henson with pick #26 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Pistons |
Draft SF Jorge Crumble with pick #27 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Pacers |
Draft SF Ian Seekers with pick #28 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Nets |
Trade one draft pick to the Rockets for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Rockets |
Trade one draft pick to the Nets for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Nets |
Draft C Steven Rookery with pick #29 of round 1. |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
Draft PG Damian Cassell with pick #1 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Magic |
Draft PF Bill Shireman with pick #2 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Spurs |
Draft SF Bradley Loncaster with pick #3 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Sonics |
Draft C Dylan Patthurst with pick #4 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Wolves |
Draft PF Lorenzo Von Matterhorn with pick #5 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Hornets |
Draft PG Curtis Hoiberg with pick #6 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
Trade one draft pick to the Raptors for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Raptors |
Trade one draft pick to the Grizzlies for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
Draft SG Henry Terpening with pick #7 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Blazers |
Draft PF Andy Piggott with pick #8 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Vultures |
Draft PF Evan Majerle with pick #9 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Pistons |
Draft PG Dan Sabam with pick #10 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Jazz |
Draft SG Isaiah Beardslee with pick #11 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Magic |
Draft PF Clayton Nikolic with pick #12 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Clippers |
Draft PG Mike Laettner with pick #13 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Kings |
Draft SF Steve Rico with pick #14 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Clippers |
Draft C John Scholl with pick #15 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Knicks |
Trade one draft pick to the Clippers for |
2053 |
170 |
Clippers |
Trade to the Knicks for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Knicks |
Trade one draft pick to the Clippers for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Clippers |
Trade one draft pick to the Knicks for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Clippers |
Draft SG Vince Longines with pick #16 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Bulls |
Draft SG Griffin Cooper with pick #17 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Pistons |
Draft C Billy Joe Brown with pick #18 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Vultures |
Draft SF Terrell Padgett with pick #19 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Hornets |
Trade one draft pick to the Grizzlies for |
2053 |
170 |
Grizzlies |
Trade to the Hornets for one draft pick |
2053 |
170 |
Cavaliers |
Draft PF Andy Piggott with pick #20 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Knicks |
Draft PF Clayton Nikolic with pick #21 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Pistons |
Draft PF Bill Murdock with pick #22 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Nuggets |
Draft SG Mathew Dikens with pick #23 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Bulls |
Draft SF Steve Rico with pick #24 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Rockets |
Draft PF Evan Majerle with pick #25 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Celtics |
Draft SG Isaiah Beardslee with pick #26 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Hawks |
Draft SF Parker Montrose with pick #27 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Hawks |
Draft C Marques Cercei with pick #28 of round 2. |
2053 |
170 |
Pacers |
Draft PG Kevin Willbrock with pick #29 of round 2. |